Friday, December 22, 2006

Holiday Posting & Book Review: The Millionaire Next Door

Well everyone I'm officially on vacation from 3pm today until Jan 3rd. I will not be posting on Christmas and Boxing Day, but I will try to post after that as often as possible. Happy Holidays and have a great long weekend.

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I recent read the book, The Millionaire Next Door by: Thomas Stanley and William Danko, and I was a bit amazed by some of their findings. For example that fact that 80% of the millionaires in the US are first generation to their money was a bit of a wake up call. There are basically two types of a rich in the book: those that look rich (but actually have little assets) and those who don't look rich (but have tons of assets).

If nothing else this book teachings you not to worry about what others think and just do your own thing when it comes to money. Just because you earn enough to have the big house in the best neighbourhood and two cars, doesn't mean you have to spend it that way. I've always liked buying the worst house on the block in a decent neighbourhood and making sure I have a profit when I need/want to sell.

It also hammers home the idea that you are not what you drive. You have guys in the US who have a net worth of $10 million, but drive an old truck, because he likes to toss dead fish in the back seat after a trip to his best fishing spot.

So if your looking for some reading material over the holidays, I would suggest reading this book.


Anonymous said...


Great Blog.

Just found it via FrugalTrader over at MillionDollarJourney.

I have added it to my daily blogroll to see how you are progressing.

Good Luck and Have a Very, Merry Xmas and a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year


Tim Stobbs said...


Thanks for coming over for a read. I'm enjoying reading FrugalTrader's blog as well.

Happy holidays to you.